


Written by Gecko Fawkes

Copyright © 2011-2014 Tagelmoust LLC

Available Now on Windows Marketplace!

Thank you for taking the time to check out BitDozer - the first remote Bitcoin client
for Windows Phone (and any other platform) as far as we are aware! With BitDozer, you can
connect to a Bitcoin daemon (bitcoind, sorry, sold separately :)) that is running and accessible
on the internet using the same username and password as the server is configured.

Once connected to your Bitcoin server, you can then view the contents of your wallet
including accounts, addresses, sent transactions, and received transactions. In
addition, can use BitDozer to help you move all your bits around by allowing you
to send bitcoins from the server's wallet as well as allowing you to send an SMS
text message requesting payment in bitcoins!

~~~ Screen Shots ~~~

Screenshot 0: Splash Screen

Screenshot 1: Login Screen

Screenshot 2: Send Screen

Screenshot 3: Receive Screen

Screenshot 4: Accounts Screen

Screenshot 5: Addresses Screen

Screenshot 6: All Transactions

Screenshot 7: Received Transactions

Screenshot 8: Sent Transactions

Screenshot 9: Stats Page

Screenshot 10: About Page

Screenshot 12: Matrix Progress Indicator

~~~ Source Code ~~~

Please send bitcoin donations for BitDozer development to 1792twiciBM3CXpMAsmmgo6YPYAByqE5sL.